Climate Changes: What Next?







The objective of the conference, organized by the Cambridge Climate Coalition, is to assemble a large group of students with a broad spectrum of interests in climate change, from student activists to sceptics, economists to environmentalists. We seek to draw those students who have never previously attended these types of talks. The second objective is to ensure more long-term involvement of conference participants in projects around climate change. The goal is to be as inclusive as possible, and participants will include students from Cambridge and other universities involved in the UK Student Climate Project, as well as researchers and professors.

The conference consists of two parts. The first is dedicated to information sharing and the second to participation in and development of different student projects. In the morning, participants will attend informational sessions on a number of different and perhaps somewhat neglected climate change topics. These include (1) Psychology, Identity & Media, (2) Economics, (3) International Relations & the United Nations, (4) Business & Technology, (5) Science, (6) Development, (7) Individual Action & Travel, and (8) Theatre, Political Activism & Arts. The session speakers are experts in their field with extensive research or policy experience. Four sessions will run in parallel, so the total of eight sessions take up two 50 minute time blocks. The session speaker will present for 25 minutes, followed by 25 minutes for questions and answers. Participants in each informational session will select two students to present the main findings at the plenary.

In the afternoon, participants will have the opportunity to attend and play a more active role in workshops that present and develop different projects, such as a student carbon emissions trading scheme and a documentary on climate change. The evening will round off the event with dinner and chill out at the new Cambridge Cafe Project.

This event is going to be the first stop of the Student Climate Project University Tour, which is going around the whole of the UK to bring climate change issues to the students, and their ideas into the arena of national politics.

Continue to find out about the Programme.